Last Updated: May 2020
Securing affordable life insurance with epilepsy and seizure disorders can be a daunting task for some people, but it doesn’t have to be if you contact the right agency.
In fact, we often see that individuals with epilepsy are only declined life insurance coverage or pay inflated premiums due to choosing the wrong agency to work with which ultimately lands you with the wrong life insurance company.
Anytime you are individual applying for coverage as an epileptic, it is imperative to give yourself plenty of options and plenty of top-rated life insurance companies to choose from.
We specialize in helping consumers find the best life insurance rates for those with epilepsy.
- Understanding Epilepsy Life Insurance
- Underwriting Life Insurance For Individuals With Epilepsy
- Life Insurance Rates With Epilepsy
- Do Not Hesitate To Secure Coverage, Life Insurance With Epilepsy Is Possible
Life Insurance is Boring. Let’s Get To The Root Of It! Here are the key takeaways…
Securing life insurance with epilepsy is possible and can often be secured at affordable rates. Your approvals for life insurance with epilepsy will have to be determined by how controlled your epilepsy is, recent hospitalizations, and the current medications being taken for epilepsy.
Understanding Epilepsy Life Insurance
As stated a moment ago, being approved for life insurance coverage with epilepsy is 100% possible if you work with the right agencies and choose the right company to secure coverage with.
One of the most significant things you need to understand is that if you are currently asymptomatic with your epilepsy, you have a fantastic chance of being approved for life insurance at standard rates which means that you are typically falling into third-best health class and pricing class available with nearly all life insurance companies.
Epilepsy is a very common health concern.
In fact, it ranks in the top 5 most common neurological disorders that can impact individuals in any age range.
Life insurance companies are aware of this and understand that great treatment and medications are available.
They also understand a normal and healthy life can still be lived with epilepsy.
All you need to do is understand the underwriting process and find the best company and you will be in excellent shape.
Underwriting Life Insurance For Individuals With Epilepsy
Given the high percentage of deaths due to seizures are from accidents and not from the seizures themselves, underwriters place more weight on the frequency and recentness of epileptic seizures, rather than the specific type of seizure diagnosed.
If you have controlled epilepsy, you know very well that you’ll live a normal life span. There are many people with epilepsy who have been declined or have insurance premiums that are extremely high.
If this is you, take 5 minutes to read the rest of this article.
If you’re looking for life insurance and have epilepsy or seizure disorders, it’s all about finding the company that will look most favorably at your individual situation.
The truth is most agents don’t know what to ask or what company to go to. We do.
At Rootfin, we’ve secured life insurance with epilepsy or seizure disorders at very affordable rates and do this regularly.
All it takes is an agent with experience underwriting this risk and the knowledge of what life insurance companies are giving the top rates to those with epilepsy.
This is what an agent needs to know in order to obtain the best rates:
- What terms have been used to describe the seizures?
(absence/petite mal, tonic-clonic/grand mal, myoclonic) - What type of seizure has been diagnosed? (generalized seizures, sleep epilepsy, traumatic epilepsy, “single fit,” etc.)
- What symptoms accompany the epileptic episodes? (unconsciousness, “clouded consciousness”, uncontrolled twitching, deep sleep, etc.)
- When were you first diagnosed?
- When was your last episode?
- How often do you have episodes?
- How severe are your episodes? (hospitalization?)
- What medications do you take?
- Are there any underlying health issues?
- Do you drive a car?
- Are your activities or occupation hazardous?
If an agent doesn’t ask you these questions, they’re guessing what your rates will be. Proceed with caution.
Life Insurance Rates With Epilepsy
We surveyed over 60 life insurance companies for our clients with epilepsy. There is one company that is knocking the ball out of the park with great approvals for all types of epilepsy.
We consider this a trade secret, so we won’t disclose that company’s name to keep our competitive edge.
The table below illustrates how this carrier view’s epilepsy.
The health class assumes the individual has reached age 16, follows the direction of their physician for the handling of their epilepsy and there are no serious medical causes for the condition.
It also assumes you refrain from behaviors and occupations that increase the likelihood of accidents. This is for all types of epilepsy.
Studies have shown that people with infrequent seizures show no greater mortality risk than the general public.
This well-known life insurance company is responding to these studies by leading the way for epilepsy life insurance underwriting. Hopefully, more life insurance companies will follow suit.
Keep in mind that the best life insurance rates with epilepsy will be at a Standard health classification. At this time, there are no companies offering preferred or better health classes.
No Medical Exam Life Insurance Options for Epileptics
There’s currently one company offering 1st-day coverage for epileptics with no medical exam.
This whole life plan (guaranteed level premiums for the rest of your life) with a maximum benefit of $25,000 of coverage and you must be over 50 years old to qualify.
Keep in mind there are plenty of companies that offer you a graded death benefit plan that has a 2-year waiting period before you have the full death benefit and is very expensive.
The company we’re offering has immediate coverage and is priced like you don’t even have epilepsy.
If you’re interested in quotes with this company, please call us or fill out the form on the right and we’ll be in contact with you.
Other Options For Life Insurance With Epilepsy
Now, for one minute, let’s assume for a second that your epilepsy is less controlled or resulted in recent hospitalizations or disability.
It is possible that you are declined for life insurance and need to consider other options.
If this happens, you should be speaking to your agent about using products such as guaranteed issue life insurance.
These products do not require health questions do be completed but do have some stipulations that apply.
Nonetheless, companies such as American General and Gerber offer great products that can still get the ball rolling and get protection started for you and your family.
Do Not Hesitate To Secure Coverage, Life Insurance With Epilepsy Is Possible
If you’ve been declined and feel you have your epilepsy under control, then you probably used the wrong company. That’s not your fault, it’s your agents.
It’s important to not only have a knowledgeable independent life insurance agent at the time of your application to obtain the best rate but to have one that follows up with annual reviews.
As years go by without an episode, we may be able to lower your rate assuming your health hasn’t changed.
For more information about different impaired risks, check out our page for High-Risk Life Insurance.
my husband has epilepsy and i need to find a company that will give him life insurance, and i need some information.
Thank you
Hi Tammy,
Please don’t hesitate to call us during business hours and we’ll help you secure affordable rates. We help people find affordable life insurance with epilepsy regularly.
Hi my dad has epilepsy seizures but he takes medicine n keeps them under control had not had one in n years but he still. Needs some life insurance.
Hi Clayton, He should be insurable with affordable rates. Fill out a form on our site and we’ll be in touch to go over his options.